Apex has the ultimate home security option: 24-hour alarm response.
If your alarm goes off, our Alarm Response Team goes to work.
- Alarm Response is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
- Apex Mobile Patrol Guards respond quickly to your alarm.
- Apex can be your key holder when you or your call-outs are not available. In the event of an alarm, we arrive at your home with the appropriate emergency service, disarm the alarm and conduct a complete inspection of your home and area.
- While there, Apex Mobile Patrol Guards assess the cause of the alarm whether it be plumbing, electrical, heating, fire intrusion, etc. and contact the designated call-out(s).
- Apex Mobile Patrol Guards will not leave the premises until it has been verified and secured.
- Never again having to send a family member, friend or neighbour into a potentially dangerous situation to check your home.